Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to install Vuze on a NAS

The goal of this tutorial is to install vuze headless (as a command line application). Most of the tutorials found on the web suggest to do the configuration of vuze in the UI before starting it in headless mode. Unfortunately, this is not possible on a NAS where you have to X server and no screen...

Tutorial tested on IOMEGA Storcenter ix4-200d firmware but uses unsupported features on the hardware. Please use at your own risk.

Since Vuze if a java program, the same steps should allow you to install vuze as an headless client on any hardware running java.

Unfortunately, I ran into a lot of JVM crashes with vuze headless and oracle jvm ejre1.7.0 (for ARM). On top of that, vuze is quite an heavy program in terms of CPU and memory usage, which is annoying for the type of hardware we are looking at (like a NAS). Therefore, I don't recommand to install vuze on a NAS. I suggest you look at rtorrent, which is much more reliable (see my tutorial How to install rtorrent with IP filtering).

1. SSH into your NAS

See my other post:
How to ssh into your Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d if you have an IOMEGA NAS

2. Download and install

Steps adapted from the Console_UI Vuze wiki
cd /opt/tmp
tar -xvf Vuze_4702_linux.tar.bz2

tar -xvf commons-cli-1.2-bin.tar.gz
mv commons-cli-1.2/commons-cli-1.2.jar vuze/

tar -xvf apache-log4j-1.2.16.tar.gz
mv apache-log4j-1.2.16/log4j-1.2.16.jar vuze

to install java, you can look at the java section of my other post: How to install crashplan on an Iomaga NAS.

The installation is pretty straight forward...

Now, install the webUI plugin:
cd vuze
cd plugins
mkdir webui
cd webui
ipkg-opt install zip
ipkg-opt install unzip
mkdir /opt/var/log/vuze
If you don't have ipkg-opt, see my other post: How to install software into your Iomega StorCenter NAS

3. Configure the Vuze installation

cd /opt/tmp/
mv vuze /opt/
cd /opt/vuze/
/mnt/pools/A/A0/NAS_Extension/ejre1.7.0/bin/java -Xmx128m -Dazureus.config.path=/opt/vuze/.azureus/ -cp "Azureus2.jar:commons-cli-1.2.jar:log4j-1.2.16.jar" org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main --ui=console
Vuze should now be running, we need to configure it now. Adapt the paths to suit your needs and type at the vuze cli:
set "Default save path" "/mnt/pools/A/A0/torrents/vuze/download" string
set "Use default data dir" true boolean
set "Logger.Enabled" true boolean
set "Logging Enable" true boolean
set "Logging Dir" "/opt/var/log/vuze/" string
set "Ip Filter Autoload File" "" string
set Plugin.azhtmlwebui.User myusername
set Plugin.azhtmlwebui.Password mypassword password
set "Plugin.azhtmlwebui.Password Enable" true boolean
This is installing IP filtering as well. If you don't want that, just skip the set "Ip Filter Autoload File" command.

You are good to go now. To have vuze automatically start at boot, you need to create the script in /etc/init.d (you can adapt the azureus script provided inside the install).
If you have an Iomega NAS, look at this tutorial to see how to have the program run at boot.

You can now connect to the web Vuze UI from your web browser at
http://ip_of_nas:6883/. Please note that the web UI is not as rich as the regular UI (most options are not available in the web UI)

Please comment to let me know how stable your install is!


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